

160. Mahdi, A.K., D.S. Fitzpatrick, D E. Hagen, B. R. McNabb, T. Urbano Beach, W.M. Muir, N. Werry, A.L. Van Eenennaam, J.F. Medrano, and P.J. Ross. 2024. Efficient Generation of SOCS2 Knock-out Sheep by Electroporation of CRISPR-Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Complex with Dual-sgRNAs. Submitted. BioRxiv (Link) 

159. Ledesma AV, Van Eenennaam AL. 2024. Global status of gene edited animals for agricultural applications. Vet J. 305:106142. (Link)

158. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2023. New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) Animals and their Agri/food/feed products. EFSA supporting publication 2023:EN-8311. 82 pp. (Link)

157. Maci L. Mueller, Bret R. McNabb, Joseph R. Owen, Sadie L. Hennig, Alba V. Ledesma, Mitchell L. Angove, Alan J. Conley, Pablo J. Ross, Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2023. Germline-ablation achieved via CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of NANOS3 in bovine zygotes. Frontiers in Genome Editing 5, 1321243. (Link)

156. T. C. Jara, K. Park, P. Vahmani, A. L. Van Eenennaam, L. R. Smith & A. C. Denicol. 2023. Stem cell-based strategies and challenges for the production of cultivated meat. Nature Food 4, 841–853. (Link)

155. Finzel JA, Brown AR, Busch RC, Doran MP, Harper JM, Macon DK, Ozeran RK, Stegemiller MR, Isaacs K, andVan Eenennaam AL. 2023. Field demonstration analyzing the implementation of individual animal electronic identification and genetic testing in western range sheep flocks. PLOS ONE 18(8), e0290281. (Link)

154. Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2023. Perspective: What Is a Drug? Enabling the Bioeconomy Through Updated Food and Drug Administration Policy. GEN Biotechnology 2(1), 36-42. (Link)

153. Alba V Ledesma, Maci L Mueller, and Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2023. Review: Progress in producing chimeric ungulate livestock for agricultural applications. Animal: The international journal of animal biosciences 17(Suppl 1), 100803. (Link)

152. Jason C. Lin, Thomas F. Bishop, Joseph R. Owen, Sadie L. Hennig, Devon S. Fitzpatrick, Maci L. Mueller, Dailu Guan, Mitchell L. Angove, Ash Hua, Eva G. Balogh. Ryan J. Swift, Pablo J. Ross, and Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2023. Optimization of Electroporation and Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated Generation of 2.7 kb Knock-In Livestock Blastocysts. GEN Biotechnology 2(2), 120-32. (Link)

151. K.D. Bullock, M.L. Spangler, R.L. Weaber, T.N. Rowan, M.M. Rolf, J.E. Decker, D.D. Loy, B.L. Golden, J.J. White and A.L. Van Eenennaam. 2022. Conducting a National Beef Cattle Genetics Outreach Program in the USA. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, pp 82-85. (Link

150. Alison L. Van Eenennaam and Maci L. Mueller. 2022. The need for harmonized, risk-based regulation of gene editing in livestock. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, pp. 2044-2047. (Link

149. M. L. Mueller, B.R. McNabb, J.R. Owen, S.L. Hennig, P.J. Ross, and A.L. Van Eenennaam. 2022. Production of a germline ablated bull using CRISPR/Cas9 to target NANOS3 in bovine zygotes. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, pp. 2056-2059. (Link

148. Alison L. Van Eenennaam and  S. Hermesch. 2022. History and author analysis of the World Congresses on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, pp. 66-69. (Link)

147. Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2022. Gene Editing in Livestock: Science and Policy. Harnessing Transformational Technologies Symposia Series 2022 Topic: Synthetic Biology. (Link

146. Alba V. Ledesma and Alison L. Van Eenennaam. 2022. Animal Genomics and Biotechnologies to Improve Meat Quality. In Reference Module in Food Science, 3rd ed., M. Nicholls and N. Mahendran Eds., Elsevier. (Link

145. Alison L. Van Eenennaam and Maci L. Mueller. 2022. Current state of genome editing and what it means to beef producers. Proceedings of Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. San Antonio, TX. (Link

144. Friedman, K.J., Bartley, D.M., Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Mair, G.C., N., Ban, N., Beveridge, M., Carolsfeld, J., Carvalho, G., Cowx, I., Guy, D., Dean, G., Glazov, E., Leber, K., Loftus, R., Martinsohn, J., Olesen, I., Sonstegard, T., Soto, D., Van Eenennaam, A.L. and J. Vigar. 2022. Current and predicted future genetic technologies for fisheries and aquaculture: Implications for fisheries and aquaculture and FAO’s work. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1387. Rome, FAO. (Link)

143. Hennig, S.L., McNabb, B.R., Trott, J.F., Van Eenennaam, A.L.  and Murray, J.D. 2022. LincRNA#1 knockout alone does not affect polled phenotype in cattle heterozygous for the celtic POLLED allele. Scientific Reports 127627. (Link)

142. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2022. Here, CRISPR Kitties? GEN Biotechnology, 1(2):135-137. (Link)

141. Trott, J.F., Young, A.E., McNabb, B.R., Yang, X., Bishop, T.F. and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2022. Animal health and food safety analyses of six offspring of a genome-edited hornless bull. GEN Biotechnology, 1(2):192-206. (Link)

140. C. J. Lawrence‐Dill, R. L. Allscheid, A. Boaitey, T. Bauman, E. Buckler, J. L. Clarke, C. Cullis, J. Dekkers, C. Dorius, S. F. Dorius, D. Ertl, M. Homann, G. Hu, M. Losch, E. Lyons, B. Murdoch, Z.‐K. Navabi, S. Punnuri, F. Rafiq, J. Reecy, P. Schnable, N. Scott, M. Sheehan, X. Sirault, M. Staton, C. Tuggle, A. Van Eenennaam, and R. Voas. 2022. Ten Simple Rules to Ruin a Collaborative Environment. PLOS Computational Biology, 18(4): e1009957. (Link)

139. Mueller, M.L., and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2022. Synergistic power of genomic selection, assisted reproductive technologies, and gene editing to drive genetic improvement of cattle.  CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 3:13. (Link)

138. Hennig, S.L., Owen, J.R., Lin, J.C., McNabb, B.R., Van Eenennaam, A.L. and Murray, J.D. 2022. A deletion at the polled Pc locus alone is not sufficient to cause a polled phenotype in cattle.  Scientific Reports, 12: 2067. (Link

137. McFadden B, Van Eenennaam A, Goddard E, Lusk J, McCluskey J, Smyth SJ, Taheripour F, Tyner WE, Liaisons CA, Armfelt M, Middleton G. 2021. Gains Forgone by Going GMO Free. Potential Impacts on Consumers, the Environment, and Agricultural Producers. CAST COMMENTARY, QTA2021-2. (Link)

136. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2021. “DNA-Based Biotechnologies” Chapter in the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium (NBCEC) Beef Sire Selection Manual.  3rd Edition, Pages 45-52. (Link

135. Van Eenennaam, A.L., and Werth, S.J. 2021. Animal board invited review: Animal agriculture and alternative meats - learning from past science communication failures. Animal. The International Journal of Animal Biosciences, 15(10): 100360. (Link)

134. Kern, C., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Pan, Z., Halstead, M., Chanthavixay, K., Saelao, P., Waters, S., Xiang, R., Chamberlain, A., Korf, I., Delany, M.E., Cheng, H.H., Medrano, J.F., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Tuggle, C. K., Ernst, C., Flicek, P., Quon, G., Ross, P.J., and Zhou, H. 2021. Functional annotations of three domestic animal genomes provide vital resources for comparative and agricultural research. Nature Communications, 12(1): 1821. (Link)

133. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2021. Gene editing: Today and in the Future. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium & Convention, pp 33-38. (Link)

132. Lin, J.C. and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2021. Electrophoresis-mediated genome editing of livestock zygotes. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 648482. (Link)

131. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2021. Genome editing approaches to augment cattle breeding programs. British Cattle Conference, Digest 76. (Link)

130. Deepak, Alya, S.S., Love, W.J., Blanchard, P.C., Crossley, B., Van Eenennaam, A.L., and Lehenbauer, T.W. 2021. Etiology and risk factors to bovine respiratory disease in pre-weaned calves on California dairies and calf ranches. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105506. (Link)

129. Zilberman, D., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Silva, F. de F., Trott, J. F. 2021. The Costs of Overregulating Animal and Plant Biotechnology: Lessons from COVID-19. ARE Update, 24(4): 1-4. (Link)

128. Mueller, M.L., Cole, J.B., Connors, N.K., Johnston, D.J., Randhawa. I.A.S. and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2021. Comparison of gene editing versus conventional breeding to introgress the POLLED allele into the tropically adapted Australian beef cattle population. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 68. (Link)

127. Owen, J. R., Hennig, S. L., McNabb, B. R., Mansour, T. A., Smith, J. M., Lin, J. C., Young, A. E., Trott, J. F., Murray, J. D., Delaney, M. E., Ross, P. J., & Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2021. One-step generation of a targeted knock-in calf using the CRISPR-Cas9 system in bovine zygotes. BMC Genomics, 22: 118. (Link)

126. Van Eenennaam, A. L., Silva, F. de F., Trott, J. F., Zilberman, D. 2021. Genetic Engineering of Livestock: The Opportunity Cost of Regulatory Delay. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 9:10.1-10.26. (Link)

125. Van Eenennaam, A. L . 2020 MEET COSMO. The bull calf designed to produce 75% male offspring. California Cattleman Magazine. December pages 12-13  (Link)

124. Van Eenennaam, A. L., 2020. How to make a CRISPR cow. Research Outreach 119: 10-13 (Link)

123. Owen, J.R., Hennig, S.L., McNabb, B., Mansour, T. A., Lin, J.C., Young, A.E., Murray, J.D., Ross, P.J., & Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2020. Production of a Gene Knock-In Bull Calf by Embryo-Mediated Genome Editing. 2020 ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Virtual Meeting Abstract. Poster PSX-32. Journal of Animal Science Volume 98: Supplement_4: 358–359. (Link)

122. Hennig, S. L., Owen, J. R., Lin, J. C., Young, A. E., Ross, P. J., Van Eenennaam, A. L., and Murray, J. D. 2020. Evaluation of Mutation Rates, Mosaicism and Off Target Mutations when injecting Cas9 mRNA or Protein for Genome Editing of Bovine Embryos. Scientific Reports 10: 22309 (Link)

121. Camargo, L. S. A., Owen, J. R., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Ross, P. J. 2020. Efficient One-Step Knockout by Electroporation of Ribonucleoproteins Into Zona-Intact Bovine Embryos. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 1047. (Link)

120. Halstead MM, Kern C, Saelao P, Wang Y, Chanthavixay G, Medrano JF, Van Eenennaam AL, Korf I, Tuggle CK, Ernst CW, Zhou H, Ross PJ 2020. A comparative analysis of chromatin accessibility in cattle, pig, and mouse tissues. BMC Genomics, 21(1): 698. (Link)

119. Owen, J. R., Hennig, S. L., McNabb, B.R., Lin, J. C., Young, A. E., Murray, J. D., Ross, P. J., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2020. Harnessing endogenous repair mechanisms for targeted gene knock‑in of bovine embryos. Scientific Reports, 10: 16031. (Link)

118. Owen, J. R., Hennig, S. L., Paulson, E. E., Lin, J. C., Young, A. E., Cabrera, L. C., Murray, J. D., Ross,P. J., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2020. Harnessing endogenous repair mechanisms for targeted gene knock-in during early bovine embryonic development. Transgenic Research, 29: 470. (Link)

117. Mueller, M.L., Cole, J.B., Connors, N.K., Johnston, D.J., Randhawa, I.A.S., Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2020. Modeling rapid introgression of the POLLED allele via gene editing in a Northern Australian beef cattle population. Transgenic Research, 29: 484 (Link)

116. Young, A.E., Mansour, T.A., McNabb, B.R., Owen, J.R., Trott, J.F., Brown, C.T., Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2020. Detection and characterization of unintended alterations in the offspring of a genome edited, hornless bull. Transgenic Research, 29: 474. (Link)

115. Maier, G., Love, W., Karle, B. M., Dubrovsky, S., Williams, D., Champange, J., Anderson, R., Rowe, J., Lehenbauer, T. W., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Aly, S. S. 2020. A novel risk assessment tool for Bovine Respiratory Disease in preweaned dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(10): 9301-9317. (Link)

114. Young, A.E., Macaulay, L.T., Larson, S.R., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2020. Livestock Impact on Biodiversity. In Population, Agriculture, and Biodiversity: Problems and Prospects, J. P. Gustafson, P. H. Raven and P. R. Ehrlich eds., The University of Missouri Press, Colombia, Missouri. (Link)

113. Dubrovsky, S. A., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Aly, S. S., Karle, B. M., Rossitto, P. V., Overton, M.W., Lehenbauer, T. W. and Fadel, J. G. 2020. Preweaning cost of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) and cost-benefit of implementation of preventative measures in calves on California dairies:  The BRD 10K study. Journal of Dairy Science 103(2): 1583-1597. (Link)

112. Young, A.E., Mansour, T., McNabb, B., Owen, J.R., Trott, J.F., Brown, C.T., and Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2020. Comparative evaluation of the phenotype and genome from offspring of a genome edited, hornless bull and controls. Nature Biotechnology. 38: 225-232. (Link)

111. Bishop, T. F., and Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2020. Genome editing approaches to augmenting livestock breeding programs. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb207159. (Link)

110. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Genome editing in cattle: Recent developments and prospects. Proceedings of the 2019 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Conference. Pittsburgh, PA pp 86-96. (Link)

109. Mueller, M. L., Cole, J.B., Connors, N.K., Johnston, D.J., Randhawa, I.A.S. and Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Comparison of gene editing versus conventional breeding to introgress the POLLED allele into the tropically-adapted Australian beef cattle population. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 23: 59-62. (Link)

108. Owen, J. R., S.L. Hennig, E.E. Paulson, J.C. Lin, P.J. Ross, and Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Improved rate of targeted gene knock-in of in-vitro fertilized bovine embryos. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 23: 7-10. (Link)

107. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Sheep Brains for Breakfast. Australian Farm Policy Journal 16(4): 20-30. (Link)

106. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Alternative meats and alternative statistics: What do the data say? Proceedings of the Range Beef Cow Symposium XXVI, November 18-20, 2019. Mitchell, NE. pages 37-49. (Link)

105. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Application of genome editing in farm animals: cattle. Transgenic Research 28(Suppl. 2): 93-100. (Link)

104. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Animal Agriculture. In Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, eds. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC. (Link)

103. Maier, G.U., Love, W.J., Karle, B.M., Dubrovsky, S.A., Williams, D.R., Champagne, J.D., Anderson, R.J., Rowe, J.D., Lehenbauer T.W., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Aly, S.S. 2019. Management factors associated with bovine respiratory disease in preweaned calves on California dairies: The BRD 100 study. Journal of Dairy Science 102(8): 7288-7305. (Link)

102. Upperman, L.R., Kinghorn, B.P., MacNeil, M.D., and Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2019. Management of lethal recessive alleles in beef cattle through the use of mate allocation software. Genetics, Selection, Evolution. 51: 36. (Link)

101. Rexroad, C.,Vallet, J., Kumar, L., Reecy, J., Bickhart, D., Blackburn, H., Boggess, M., Cheng, H., Clutter, A., Cockett, N., Ernst, C., Fulton, J., Liu, J., Lunney, J., Neibergs, H., Purcell, C., Smith, T., Sonstegard, T., Taylor, J., Telugu, B., Van Eenennaam, A., Van Tassell, C., and Wells, K. 2019. Genome to Phenome: Improving Animal Health, Production and Well-Being A New USDA Blueprint for Animal Genome Research 2018 - 2027. Frontiers in Genetics 10: 327. (Link)

100. Dubrovsky, S., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Karle, B. M., Rossitto, P., Lehenbauer, T. and Aly, S. 2019. Epidemiology of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) in preweaned calves on California dairies: The BRD 10K study. Journal of Dairy Science 102(8): 7306-7319. (Link)

99. Dubrovsky, S., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Karle, B. M., Rossitto, P., Lehenbauer, T. and Aly, S. 2019. Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) cause-specific and overall mortality in preweaned calves on California dairies: The BRD 10K study. Journal of Dairy Science 102(8): 7320-7328. (Link)

98. Van Eenennaam, A.L., Wells, K.D. and Murray, J.D. 2019. Proposed U.S. regulation of gene-edited food animals is not fit for purpose. npj Science of Food 3(3). (Link)

97. Mueller, M.L., Cole, J.B., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2019. Comparison of gene editing vs. conventional breeding to introgress the POLLED allele into the U.S. dairy cattle population. Journal of Dairy Science 102(5): 4215-4226. (Link)

96. Karle, B.M., Maier, G.U., Love, W.J., Dubrovsky, S.A., Williams, D.R., Anderson, R.J., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Lehenbauer, T.W., and Aly, S.S. 2019. Regional management practices and prevalence of bovine respiratory disease in California's preweaned dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science 102(8): 7583-7596. (Link)

95. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and A.E. Young. 2019. Gene Editing in Dairy Cattle. In Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science: Advances in breeding of dairy cattle, J. van der Werf and J.E. Pryce, eds. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. pp 571-602. (Link)

94. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and A.E. Young. 2019. Genetic Improvement of Food Animals: Past and Future. In Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability. P. Ferranti, E. M. Berry and J. R. Anderson, eds. Vol. 3:171-180. (Link)

93. Moisá SJ, Aly SS, Lehenbauer TW, Love WJ, Rossitto PV, Van Eenennaam AL, Trombetta SC, Bortoluzzi EM, Hulbert LE. 2019. Association of plasma haptoglobin concentration and other biomarkers with bovine respiratory disease status in pre-weaned dairy calves. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 31(1): 40-46. (Link)

92. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2019. The Uses of Animal Biotechnology to Improve Animal Welfare. In The Welfare of Cattle, T. Engle, D. J. Klingborg, DVM, and B. E. Rollin, eds. pp. 51-59. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (Link)

91. Mueller, M.L., Cole, J.B., Sonstegard, T.S., and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2018 Simulation of introgression of the POLLED allele into the Jersey breed via conventional breeding vs. gene editing, Translational Animal Science, 2(suppl_1): S57-S60. (Link)

90. Kern C, Wang Y, Chitwood J, Korf I, Delany M, Cheng H, Medrano JF, Van Eenennaam AL, Ernst C, Ross P, Zhou H. 2018. Genome-wide identification of tissue-specific long non-coding RNA in three farm animal species. BMC Genomics 19(1): 684. (Link)

89. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and A.E. Young. 2018. Gene Editing in Livestock: Promise, Prospects and Policy. CAB Reviews 13(27). (Link)

88. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and A.E. Young. 2018. Public Perception of Animal Biotechnology. In Animal Biotechnology, Vol 2. H. Nieman and C. Wrenzycki, eds. pp.275-303. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. (Link)

87. Buchanan, J., MacNeil, M.D., Raymond, R.C., Nilles, A.R., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2018. Comparison of economic returns among genetic evaluation strategies in a 2-tiered Charolais-sired beef cattle production system. Journal of Animal Science. 96(10): 4076-4086. (Link

86. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2018. The contribution of transgenic and genome-edited animals to agricultural and industrial applications. Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE 37(1): 97-112. (Link)

85. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2018. The Importance of a Novel Product Risk-Based Trigger for Gene-Editing Regulation in Food Animal Species. The CRISPR Journal 1(2): 1-6. (Link)

84. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2017. The future of genetic alteration in food animal production. The AABP Proceedings 50: 32-42. (Link)

83. Behura, S.K., Tizioto, P.C., Kim, J.W., Grupioni, N.V., Seabury, C.M., Schnabel, R.D., Gershwin, L.J., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Toaff-Rosenstein, R., Neibergs, H.L., Regitano, L.C.A., Taylor, J.F. 2017. Tissue Tropism in Host Transcriptional Response to Members of the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. Scientific Reports 7: 17938. (Link)

82. Owen, J.R., Noyes, N., Young, A.E., Prince, D.J., Blanchard, P.C., Lehenbauer, T.W., Aly, S.S., Davis, J.H., O'Rourke, S.M., Abdo, Z., Belk, K., Miller, M.R., Morley, P., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2017. Whole-Genome Sequencing and Concordance Between Antimicrobial Susceptibility Genotypes and Phenotypes of Bacterial Isolates Associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7:3059-3071. (Link)

81. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and A.E. Young. 2017. Detection of dietary DNA, protein, and glyphosate in meat, milk, and eggs. Journal of Animal Science 95(7):3247-3269. (Link)

80. Welly, B.T., Miller, M.R., Stott, J.L., Blanchard, M.T., Islas-Trejo, A.D., O’Rourke, S.M., Young, A.E., Medrano, J.F., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2017. Identification of antigenic proteins from the etiologic agent of epizootic bovine abortion using de novo assembly, reverse vaccinology and immunological validation of candidate proteins. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 7(2):321-331. (Link)

79. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2017. Genetic Modification of Food Animals. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 44:27-34. (Link)

78. Buchanan, J.W., James, S.T., Marquess, F.L., Woronuk, G.N., Deobald, H., Welly, B.T., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2016. Analysis of validated and population specific SNP parentage panels in pedigreed and commercial beef cattle populations. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 97:231-240. (Link)

77. Buchanan, J.W., MacNeil, M.D., Raymond, R.C., McClain, A.R., Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2016. Variance component estimates for Charolais-sired fed cattle and relative economic impact of bovine respiratory disease. Journal of Animal Science. 94:1-6. (Link)

76. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2016. Gene editing: Breeding or GMO? National Institutes of Bioscience Journal 1: 1-16. (Link)

75. Petracca,Y., Van Eenennaam, A.L., and Lema, M.A. 2016. Gene Editing: Do not forget about Animal Agriculture. Journal of Advanced Research in Biotechnology. 1(1):1-2. (Link)

74. Carroll, D., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Taylor, J.F., Seger, J., Voytas, D.F. 2016. Regulate genome-edited products, not genome editing itself. Nature Biotechnology 34(5): 477-479. (Link)

73. Weber,K.L., Welly, B.T., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Young, A.E., Porto-Neto, L.R., Reverter, A., Rincon, G. 2016. Identification of Gene Networks for Residual Feed Intake in Angus Cattle Using Genomic Prediction and RNA-seq. PLoS One 11(3): e0152274. (Link)

72. Love, W.J., Lehenbauer, T.W., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Drake, C.M., Kass, P.H., Farver, T.B., Aly, S.S. 2016. Sensitivity and Specificity of On-Farm Scoring Systems and Nasal Culture to Detect Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in Pre-weaned Dairy Calves. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 28(2): 119-128. (Link)

71. Love, W.J., Lehenbauer, T.W., Karle, B.M., Hulbert, L.E., Anderson, R.J., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Farver, T.B., Aly, S.S. 2016. Survey of management practices related to bovine respiratory disease in preweaned calves on California dairies. J Dairy Sci 99(2):1483-94. (Link)

70. Love, W.J., Lehenbauer, T.W., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Drake, C.M., Kass, P.H., Farver, T.B., Aly, S.S. 2016. Sensitivity and specificity of on-farm scoring systems and nasal culture to detect bovine respiratory disease complex in preweaned dairy calves. J Vet Diagn Invest 28(2):119-28. (Link)

69. Van Eenennaam, A. and A.E. Young. 2015. Animal agriculture and the importance of agnostic governance of biotechnology. Agriculture and Food Security 4: 21. (Link)

68. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2015. 28 Animal Biotechnology: Scientific, Regulatory and Public Acceptance Issues Associated with Cloned and Genetically Engineered Animals. In Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics, Khatib, H. Ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp 289-302. (Link)

67. Gershwin, L.J., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Anderson, M.L., McEligot, H.A., Shao, M.X., Toaff-Rosenstein, R., Taylor, J.F., Neibergs, H.L. 2015. Single pathogen challenge with agents of the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. PLoS One 10(11): e0142479. (Link)

66. Tizioto, P., Kim, J., Seabury, C., Schnabel, R., Gerswhin, L., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Toaff-Rosenstein, R., Neibergs, H., Taylor, J., 2015. Immunological response to single pathogen challenge with agents of the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. An RNA-sequence analysis of the bronchial lymph node transcriptome. PLoS One 10(6): e0131459. (Link)

65. Ng, T.F., Kondov, N.O., Deng, X., Van Eenennaam, A., Neibergs, H.L., Delwart, E. 2015. A metagenomics and case-control study to identify viruses associated with bovine respiratory disease. Journal of Virology 89(10): 5340-9. (Link)

64. Young, A.E. and A.L. Van Eenennaam. 2014. Genetically Modified Organisms, Animals. Discoveries in Modern Science: Exploration, Invention, Technology. MacMillan Reference USA. pp 419-425. (Link)

63. Neibergs, H.L., Seabury, C.M., Wojtowicz, A.J., Wang, Z., Scraggs, E., Kiser, J., Neupane, M., Womack, J.E., Van Eenennaam, A.L., Hagevoort, G.R., Lehenbauer, T.W., Aly, S.S., Davis, J., Taylor, J.F. 2014. Susceptibility loci revealed for bovine respiratory disease complex in pre-weaned Holstein calves. BMC Genomics. 2014 Dec 22: 15(1):1164. (Link)

62. Van Eenennaam, A.L., and A.E. Young. 2014. Prevalence and impacts of genetically engineered feedstuffs on livestock populations. Journal of Animal Science. 2014 Oct; 92(10): 4255-78. (Link)

61. Van Eenennaam, A.L., K.L. Weber, and D.J. Drake. 2014. Evaluation of bull prolificacy on commercial beef cattle ranches using DNA paternity analysis. Journal of Animal Science. 92(6): 2693-2701. (Link)

60. Van Eenennaam, A.L., K.A. Weigel, A.E. Young, M.A. Cleveland and J.C.M. Dekkers. 2014. Applied Animal Genomics: Results from the Field. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. Volume 2: 105-139. (Link)

59. Love, W.J., Lehenbauer, T.W, Kass, P.H., Van Eenennaam, A.L., and S.S. Aly. 2014. Development of a novel clinical scoring system for on-farm diagnosis of bovine respiratory disease in pre-weaned dairy calves. PeerJ 2:e238. (Link)

58. Van Eenennaam, A.L., Muir, W.M. and E. A. Hallerman. 2013 (Invited Paper) Is Unaccountable Regulatory Delay and Political Interference Undermining the FDA and Hurting American Competitiveness? A Response to Tim Schwab’s ‘Is FDA Ready to Regulate the World’s First Biotech Food Animal’? FDLI's Food and Drug Policy Forum. Volume 3 (13):1-17. (Link)

57. McClure, M.C., Sonstegard, T.S., Wiggans, G.R., Van Eenennaam, A. L., Weber, K.L.,Torres Penedo, M.C.,  Berry, D., Flynn, J., Garcia, J.F., Santana Carmo, A., Regitano, L.C.A., Albuquerque, M., Silva, M.V.G.B.,  Machado,  M. A., Coffey, M., Moore, K., Boscher, M.Y., Genestout, L., Mazza, R., Taylor, J.F., Schnabel, R.D.,  Simpson, B., Marques, E., McEwan, J., Cromie, A., Lehmann Coutinho, L., Kuehn, L., Keele, J., Piper, E., Cook, J., Williams, R., and C. Van Tassell. 2013. "Imputation of Microsatellite Alleles from Dense SNP Genotypes for Parentage Verification Across Multiple Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds"  Frontiers in Livestock Genomics. Frontiers in Livestock Genomics. 4(176) 1-11. (Link)

56. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2013. (Invited Paper) GMOs in Animal Agriculture: Time to Include a Risk:Benefit Analysis in Regulatory Decisions. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 4:37. (Link)

55. Van Eenennaam, A.L. K.L. Weber and D.J. Drake. 2013. The California Commercial Ranch Project. Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 20:10-13. (Link)

54. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2013. (Invited Chapter)  Considerations related to breed and biological type. Chapter 3 in Heifer development in beef cattle.  D. J. Patterson and M. F. Smith Eds. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 29(3):493-516. (Link)

53. Mateescu, R.G., Garrick, D.J., Tait, Jr., R.G., Garmyn, A.J., Duan, Q., Liu, Q., Mayes, M.S., Van Eenennaam, A.L., VanOverbeke, D.L., Hilton, G.G., Beitz, D.C., and J. M. Reecy. 2013. Genome-wide association study of concentrations of iron and other minerals in longissimus muscle of Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3593-3600 (Link)

52. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2013. Genetics and sustainable animal agriculture. Chapter 3 in “Sustainable Animal Agriculture" CABI Publishing. (Link)

51. Weber, K. L., D.J. Drake, J. F. Taylor, D.J. Garrick, L.A. Kuehn, R.M. Thallman, R.D. Schnabel, W.M. Snelling, E.J. Pollak, A.L. Van Eenennaam. 2012. The accuracies of DNA-based genetic merit prediction equations derived from Angus- and multi-breed beef cattle training populations. Journal of Animal Science. 90:4177-4190. (Link)

50. Weber, K. L., R. M. Thallman, J. W. Keele, W. M. Snelling, G. L. Bennett, T. P. L. Smith, T. G. McDaneld, M. F. Allan, A. L. Van Eenennaam, and L. A. Kuehn. 2012.  Accuracy of genomic breeding values in multi-breed beef cattle populations derived from deregressed breeding values and phenotypes. Journal of Animal Science. 90:4191-4202. (Link)

49. Mateescu RG, Garmyn AJ, O'Neil MA, Tait RG Jr, Abuzaid A, Mayes MS, Garrick DJ, Van Eenennaam AL, Vanoverbeke DL, Hilton GG, Beitz DC, Reecy JM. 2012. Genetic parameters for carnitine, creatine, creatinine, carnosine, and anserine concentration in longissimus muscle and their association with palatability traits in Angus cattle.  Journal of Animal Science. 90:4248-4255. (Link)

48. Van Eenennaam, A. L., and D. J. Drake. 2012. Where in the beef cattle supply chain might DNA tests generate value? Livestock Production Science. 52(3) 185-196. (Link)

47. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and W.M. Muir. 2012. Animal biotechnologies and agricultural sustainability. Chapter 6 in “The Role of Biotechnology in a Sustainable Food Supply.” Jennie S. Popp, Molly M. Jahn, Marty D. Matlock, Nathan P. Kemper, (eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Link)

46. Duan, Q., R. G. Tait Jr, M.S. Mayes, D J. Garrick, Q. Liu, A.L. Van Eenennaam, R.G. Mateescu, D.L.Van Overbeke, A.J. Garmyn, D.C. Beitz, and J.M. Reecy. 2012. Genetic polymorphisms in bovine transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2) and solute carrier family 40 (iron-regulated transporter), member 1 (SLC40A1) genes and their association with beef iron content. Animal Genetics. 4:115-22. (Link)

45. Rincon, G., K.L. Weber, A.L. Van Eenennaam, B.L. Golden, and J.F. Medrano. 2011. Performance of bovine high density genotyping platforms in Holsteins and Jerseys. Journal of Dairy Science. 94: 6116–6121. (Link)

44. Van Eenennaam, A.L. and W.M. Muir. 2011. Transgenic salmon: a final leap to the grocery shelf? Nature Biotechnology. 29: 706–710. (Link)

43. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2011. Beef translational genomics: Lessons from the literature. Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 19: 271-278. (Link)

42. Cooprider, K. L., F. M. Mitloehner, T. R. Famula, E. Kebreab, Y. Zhao, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2011. Feedlot efficiency implications on greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability. Journal of Animal Science. 89:2643-56. (Link)

41. Van Eenennaam, A. L., E. M. Hallerman, and W.M. Muir. 2011. The Science and Regulation of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) Commentary QTA2011-2. CAST, Ames, Iowa. (Link)

40. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J.H. van der Werf, and M.E. Goddard. 2011. The value of using DNA markers for beef bull selection in the seedstock sector. Journal of Animal Science. 89:307-320. (Link)

39. Wong, A.C., and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2011. FLPe functions in zebrafish embryos. Transgenic Research. 20:409–415. (Link)

38. Pohlmeier, W., R. C. Hovey, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2011. Reproductive abnormalities in mice expressing omega-3 fatty acid desaturase in their mammary glands. Transgenic Research. 20:283-92. (Link)

37. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2010. “DNA-Based Biotechnologies” Chapter in the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium (NBCEC) Beef Sire Selection Manual.  2nd Edition, Pages 68-78. (Link)

36. Hagopian,K., K. L. Weber, D. T. Hwee, A. L. Van Eenennaam, G. López-Lluch,  J. M. Villalba, I. Burón, P. Navas, J. B. German, S. M. Watkins, K. A. Simmons Domer, Y. Chen, A. Wei, R. B. McDonald, and J. J. Ramsey. 2010. Complex I hydrogen peroxide production is decreased and electron transport chain enzymes activities are altered in n-3 enriched fat-1 mice. PLoS ONE. 5(9):e12696. (Link)

35. Fahrenkrug, S. C.,  A. Blake, D. F. Carlson, T. Doran, A. L. Van Eenennaam, D. Faber, C. Galli, P. B. Hackett, N. Li, E. A. Maga, J. D. Murray, R. Stotish, E. Sullivan, J. F. Taylor, M. Walton, M. Wheeler, B. Whitelaw, B. P.  Glenn. 2010. Precision Genetics for Complex Objectives in Animal Agriculture.  Journal of Animal Science. 88:2530-2539. (Link)

34. Van Eenennaam, A. L., K. L. Weber, K. Cooprider, and D. J. Drake. 2010. Development and implementation of a vertically-integrated beef cattle data collection system. California Agriculture. 64: 94-100. (Link)

33. Van Eenennaam, A. L., and J. F. Medrano. 2008. Manipulation of Milk Fat Composition Through Transgenesis, pages 343-354 in “Bioactive Components in Milk”, Volume 606 of Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Edited by Z. Bösze. Springer. 483 pp. (Link)

32. W. Pohlmeier, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2008. Animal Biotechnology. 30 minute UC ANR peer-reviewed video.  (Link)

31. Wong, A. C., and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2008. Transgenic Approaches for the Reproductive Containment of Genetically Engineered Fish. Aquaculture. 2751-12. (Link)

30. Van Eenennaam, A. L., R. L. Weaber, D. J. Drake, M. C. T. Penedo, R. L. Quaas , D. J. Garrick, E. J. Pollak. 2007. DNA-based paternity analysis and genetic evaluation in a large commercial cattle ranch setting.  Journal of Animal Science.  853159–3169. (Link)

29. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. Li, R. M. Thallman, R. L. Quaas, M. E. Dikeman, C. A. Gill, D. E. Franke, M. G. Thomas. 2007. Validation of commercial DNA tests for quantitative beef quality traits. Journal of Animal Science. 85891-900. (Link)

28. Van Eenennaam, A. L., and P. G. Lemaux 2007. Cornucopia’s Challenge. 30 minute UC ANR peer-reviewed video. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. (Link)

27. K. D. Bongiovanni, E. J. DePeters, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2007. Neonatal Growth and Development of Mice Raised on Milk Transgenically-Enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acids.  Pediatric Research. 62(4): 412-6. (Link)

26. Kao, B. T., E. J. DePeters, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2006. Mice Raised on Milk Transgenically-Enriched with n-3 PUFA have Increased Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid. Lipids. 41(6): 543-9. (Link)

25. Kao, B. T., K. A. Lewis, E. J. DePeters, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2006. Endogenous Production and Elevated Levels of Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acids in the Milk of Transgenic Mice. Journal of Dairy Science. 89(8): 3195-3201. (Link)

24. Van Eenennaam, A. L. and P. G. Olin. 2006. Genetically engineered fish. California Agriculture. 60(3): 126-131. (Link)

23. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2006. What is the future of animal biotechnology?  California Agriculture. 60(3): 132-139. (Link)

22. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2006. “DNA-Based Biotechnologies” Chapter in the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium (NBCEC) Beef Sire Selection Manual. Pages 66-73. (Link)

21. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2005. Genetic Engineering and Fish. UC ANR, Agricultural Biotechnology in California Series, Publication # 8185.

20. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2005. Genetic Engineering and Animal Agriculture.  UC ANR, Agricultural Biotech in California Series, Publication # 8184.

19. Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2005. Genetic Engineering and Animal Feed.  UC ANR, Agricultural Biotechnology in California Series, Publication # 8183.

18. Morimoto, K. C., A. L. Van Eenennaam, E. J. DePeters, and J. F. Medrano. 2005. Hot Topic Endogenous Production of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Mammalian Cells. Journal of Dairy Science. 88(3) 88(3) 1142-1146. (Link)

17. Wong, A.C., and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2004. Gonadotropin hormone and receptor sequences from model teleost species. Zebrafish. 1(3)203-221. (Link)

16. Van Deynze, A., Bradford, K.J., and Van Eenennaam, A.L. 2004. Crop Biotechnology: Feeds for Livestock.  UC ANR, Agricultural Biotechnology in California Series, Publication # 8145.

15.  Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2004. Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture. 30 minute UC ANR peer-reviewed video. ANRUCTV 04-06. 6502V (Link)

14. Van Eenennaam, A. L. 2004. DNA-based Marker-Assisted Selection in Beef Cattle. CL1043 in “Cow-Calf Management Guide & Cattle Producer’s Library”. University of Idaho, Moscow.

13. Van Eenennaam, A. L., G. Li, M. Venkatramesh, C. Levering, X. Gong, A. C. Jamieson, C. K. Shewmaker, and C. C. Case. 2004. Elevation of seed a-tocopherol levels using plant-based transcription factors targeted to an endogenous locus. Metabolic Engineering. 6(2)101-8. (Link)

12. Van Eenennaam, A. L., et al. 2003. Engineering vitamin E content from Arabidopsis mutant to soy oil. Plant Cell. 15 3007-3019. (Link)

11. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. D. Murray, and J. F. Medrano. 1999. Karyotype of the American green sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128 175-177. (Link)

10. Van Eenennaam, A. L., Van Eenennaam, J.P., Medrano, J.F., and Doroshov, S.I. 1999. Evidence of female heterogametic genetic sex determination in white sturgeon. Journal of Heredity 90 231-233. (Link)

9. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. D. Murray, and J. F. Medrano. 1998. Mitotic analysis of the North American white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson (Pisces, Acipenseridae), a fish with a very high chromosome number. Genome 41 266-271. (Link)

8. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. D. Murray, and J. F. Medrano. 1998. Synaptonemal complex analysis in spermatocytes of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson (Pisces, Acipenseridae), a fish with a very high chromosome number. Genome 41 51-61. (Link)

7. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. P. Van Eenennaam, J. F. Medrano, and S. I. Doroshov. 1996. Rapid verification of meiotic gynogenesis and polyploidy in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus Richardson). Aquaculture 147 177-189. (Link)

6. Van Eenennaam, A. L., et al. 1995. Financial analysis of alternative treatments for clinical mastitis associated with environmental pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science 78 2086‑2095. (Link)

5. Cullor, J. S., A. L. Van Eenennaam, et al. 1994. Performance of various tests used to screen antibiotic residues in milk samples from individual animals. J. AOAC Int. 77(4): 862-870. (Link)

4. Guterbock, W. M., A. L. Van Eenennaam, R. J. Anderson, I. A. Gardner, J. S. Cullor, and C. A. Holmberg. 1993. Efficacy of intramammary antibiotic therapy for treatment of clinical mastitis caused by environmental pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science 76 3437-3444. (Link)

3. Van Eenennaam, A. L., J. S. Cullor, L. Perani, I. A. Gardner, W. L. Smith, J. Dellinger, W. M. Guterbock, and L. Jensen. 1993. Evaluation of milk antibiotic residue screening tests in cattle with naturally occurring clinical mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science 76 3041-3053. (Link)

2. Van Eenennaam, A. L., and J. F. Medrano. 1991. Milk protein polymorphisms in the California dairy cattle population. Journal of Dairy Science 74 1730-1742. (Link)

1. Van Eenennaam, A. L., and J. F. Medrano. 1991. Differences in allelic protein expression in the milk of heterozygous K-casein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 74 1491-1496. (Link)